Soulless Energy

For the world we know will become the world we knew. The sanctioning of the world will bring about a future not unlike that of our history.

For as much as we try.For as much as we suffer.For as much as we struggle.For as much as we lose.For as much as we crawl.For as much as we R

For much is shared with world at large. From whose eyes who clearly see. From captured vision of a world astray. For now I saw what you see.

For with renewed warmth these souls of mine. And with sudden chills these arms of mine. For the chime of the timeless clock brings forth joy

The quiet of the night brought forth my stormy evening.A puzzled day brought forth this mindless moment.A victorious feeling await my hunger

Energy: For empty thoughts are brought forth by an empty life.Where the tea grows cold like my soul.And the soup becomes warm like my body.

Your gift to me on this cheerished night is peace of soul of a solitary mind.My gift to you during these days of solitude are deafened ears.

To make a difference your only voice. To make a contribution my only wish. For your news saddens our lives. And we are saddened by lost ears

For while this soul grows old, this tea goes cold.For your soul to remain young, you must first learn to beat your new drums.So rise up, NOW

While the bots who choose to follow are easily blocked, the humans who wish to link are difficult to reconnect.Choose Wisely & Monitor Often

@42DeepThought :-)

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A Torment Told this Shit Torrent

We are but peons on the playboard of existence awaiting our demise at the hands of our masters who must view us as ants crawling up a mound.

Loss of thought is often matched by a loss of solitude and conflict lost. Gain of mind is often unmatched by Again of soul and peace gained.

Only the cries of animals remain in the ears of those slain by the blows of words and the bows of inaction.A torment told this shit torrent.

A climate so odd as to see the likes of the ellusive publicized-victimized-extrasized-verbalized-organized-paralyzed-destabilized lame duck.

Of fortunes told for this story goes for misfortunes hold as this play unfolds as we await awake for this much at stake for mistake a steak.

@42DeepThought :-)

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Stand Up and Shout – “I am not a Bot, I am a Free Mind”

Love Life:A Life led in Waste will always lead to a Love left in Haste.What Life has taken away in Greed, Love will give back in Generosity.

Stand Up and Shout – “I am not a Bot, I am a Free Mind”

Today is unofficially “Know A Friend Better Day”. Ask Yourself.Who do you call a friend?Who do you call a connection?Who do you fail to call

Reconnect to those who you call Friends to find a new Connection&Disconnect from those who you call Connections to perhaps find a new Friend

In a modern age, we find the means to replicate, decimate and disassociate*In this modern world, we must find the means to state and dictate

@42DeepThought :-)

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Wasted Moments

Of Twittered Thoughts and Collected Thoughts.Of Scattered Thoughts or Formulated Thoughts.Of Reflected Thoughts these Perspective Thoughts.

Your squandered past brings about your skimmed present, thus forsaking your promised future.A past life of failed actions your future holds.

Your reflected past brought about by your pensive present, will foretell your promising future.A past left of bold actions your future told.

For my presence long fought these five leisure days.For your outreach withheld by ignorance these five anxious days.For these five days tell

Often said in haste are these wasted moments towards momentary selfish points.For we are more than our argumentative challenges of position.

Bruno & Nia Long say Goodnight after watching HP6 at the theatre off I-75 & Pirates make off with Michael Jackson & Trey Songz from Wal-Mart

@42DeepThought :-)

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A Foretold Apocalypse

So alive and yet so tired.The brain wants to create.These frozen figures fail to take its lead.The body will fall to dusk.These fingers live

A broken right ear and blinded right eye.The darkness of his left fails to see the light to his right.The shadows grow near as the shadow go

A forgotten transformation lost in a moment of transformation will transform thoughts to words & bring headings to a fable of greed and lust

A rusty horizon is revealed this night. A modern view takes shape on distant landscapes. These eyes grow tired this body must rest to party.

So glorious it is being simply being. The chime of the bell reveal its toll. The clock winds down I am told. The hourly chirp get its worm.

A pop in the eye reveals a sight. Of distance rays of sunny hope. A rusty sky betrays its age. A rusty nail will seal its crate and its fate

The sun is bright on this here night.A rosy outlook with an air of doubt.A pillar of smoke punctuates the sky.Our love these chirping birds.

An erie sense of the apocalypse transcends this day. A mushroom cloud backdrops its doomed landscape. A wondrous delight with feared insight

A sudden fear to what has dawned on me. A sudden fear to what has dawned. A sudden fear backdrops the sky. A sudden fear is the foredooming.

How a common view can be both wondrous and terrifying is the very nature of the worlds duality of vision-Where many see wonder others wonder

I blink and it gets brighter.For once I would pass out by a blink of darkness.I now wish to pass out to a blink of brightness.Invert&Invest.

Limitation is said to breed creativity. Well crap, I got nothing here. Who wants creativity within the limits of your capabilities or yours.

@42DeepThought :-)

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